Patch Notes

Below are all updates, changes and fixes made to Casino Bot.

  • The account link bonus for spins on Casino Bot has been decreased from 2.5x to 1.25x. This is being done to balance the games rewards and prevent the mechanic from being too overpowered.
  • The AI feature is now smarter and capable of generating AI images. To do so, use a prompt like Casino generate an image of a cat sleeping
  • The video command is now capable of selecting a specific segment, which is useful for extracting songs or clipping a segment out of a video that otherwise won't fit into the 15 MB limit. Tap here for example usage
  • The AI feature is publicly available
  • The AI responses can now send images as part of the response
  • Improved NSFW detection accuracy
  • Improved video command response time, increased max length of videos to 30 minutes
  • Fixed 48 ban
  • Group leaderboard points are no longer counted for other bots
  • Added "Leaderboard" command. This shows you the most popular groups Casino Bot is in.
  • Added a status page on the website. This will show you the uptime of Casino Bot and its related services.
  • Casino Bot can now set all chat themes, including paid themes. See here for usage.
  • Added "Set media rules" and "Delete media rules" for sending rules with media in groups. See here for usage.
  • Added the contains "*>" operator for triggers. This allows you to make the bot respond when the word or phrase is used anywhere in the message. See here for a quick example.
  • Added ability to specify the language for the ".translate" command. See here for a detailed explanation.
  • Added the .stickerbg command to convert background profile pics to stickers.
  • Improved bot detection. For the time being, Casino Bot will temporarily ban spam bots known to "double join" groups.
  • Added ability to send multiple responses for the same trigger. Use "+>" to add to an existing trigger.
  • Added automatic sticker compression, stickers should now send quicker and will take less time to forward
  • Updated the commands list on the website
  • Added wildcards to rules, leave, and triggers
  • Added "Delete all expired" command to delete expired media
  • Added "Set bio" command for groups
  • Added "Remove empty pics" to remove all users in a group without a profile picture
  • Added "Casino wipe" to wipe the chat in groups
  • Added "Lock duration" command to lock groups for a specified time period
  • Added more options to the ".sticker" command
  • Added ability to disallow advertising with "Disallow ads"
  • Improved request logic to deal with high failure rates from Kik servers
  • Added SponsorBlock feature to the "Video" and "Song" commands. This will automatically strip out non-music segments from songs before sending them.
    Credits: yt-dlp | SponsorBlock API
  • Added measures to detect more human-controlled spam bots
  • Added "Disallow NSFW" command. This scans the profile pic and background pic of new joiners and removes them if it is determined to contain pornographic content.
    Please note that this feature is currently in an experimental beta, and may be removed or changed at any time.
  • Reduced captcha rates for the ".spin" command
  • Added "Transfer" command for quickly copying settings from group to group. This is a PM only command.
  • When a user joins your group, they are now added to the talker list to prevent them being removed instantly by 48 mode.
    This will not affect Anti Lurk
  • Bot detection improvements
  • Added captchas to the ".spin" command and other game commands to make self botting more difficult
  • Fixed bot mentions and clickable links not working for newly added commands
  • Made ".spin" more interesting
  • Added media triggers! Say "Trigger Name Here => Media" to use!
    Please note that media commands will expire if they are not used for 28 consecutive days (I don't have unlimited space).
  • Increased .slot command payout rates
  • Fixed 100 private not working
  • Text based commands added from now on will correctly preserve any custom Kik emotes you use!
    Use the "Unlock all emoticons" command in Blue Kik and try it out!
  • Added 100 member private and publics back
  • Miscellaneous Anti-Bot API improvements! Thank you for using it to remove bots from your group in Blue Kik!
  • The "Video" command now sends videos (dislikes were patched by YouTube, making the stats useless)
  • Fixed some typos in the bot responses
  • Adjusted anti bot algorithm (from now on, this also updates the algorithm in the Casino Anti Bot API)
  • Added more in depth profile information to the "Lookup" command on Pirho Bot
  • Pirho Bot is now able to lookup group #hashtags that have been hidden or barred from searching
  • Added "Video" command. Use "Video [YouTube URL or search term]" to get information about a video.
    Please note, the ability to see dislikes will be patched / removed by Google on December 13th, 2021. After that, dislike counts won't be visible. So make sure to use it now before it is gone!
  • Beginning of work on the Casino Anti-Bot API! (in beta but fully working and functional) It will be used in Blue Kik first, but may be open to others later and will be expanded in the future to add more capabilities. The goal of the API is to be able to collectively cut down on spam bots and keep them out of your groups, and be able to instantly update the detection if / when the bots change tactics.
  • If Casino Bot is banned, it will automatically back up all your settings, and automatically restore them when you add a new bot to your group. If your settings did not automatically restore, use the "Casino import" command, and your backup should be there.
  • More bot detection improvements
  • Added detection for 2 new exploits
  • Fixed exploit detection sometimes showing the JID of the sender instead of the name
  • Casino Bot will now automatically back up your group data if it is removed or if you use "Casino leave".
    Also, when you add any Casino bot to your group, it will automatically import the backup for that group if it's available.
    This makes switching bots easier as you don't need to redo the settings.
  • Fixed YouTube video thumbnails having a 4:3 aspect ratio when the videos are 16:9
  • Fixed YouTube videos being corrupted or otherwise unplayable on iOS devices
  • Fixed being unable to use the seek bar for YouTube videos on Android devices
  • Optimized video and audio quality for YouTube videos. Please note the bigger the video is, the more Casino Bot will decrease the quality in order to stay under file limits
  • Added new commands: "YT" "YouTube""Song".
    These commands allow you to request a YouTube video using a direct URL or a search term and Casino Bot will send the video to the chat.
    Read more about it in the commands list here
    Please note this feature is in beta and is subject to changes / restrictions.
  • Bot detection improvements.
  • Added "48 ban last" command. This will 48 ban the last user that left the group or was removed / banned / unbanned.
  • Fixed a rare bug that causes the bot to not respond (get stuck) due to Kik server issues. If the bot is stuck, it will restart itself within a few seconds.
  • Started work on new video / audio commands
  • Bot detection improvements
  • If you are removed upon join for being detected as a spam bot, rejoining within a short time frame will no longer remove you again
  • Improved the "check" command for Pirho Bot by adding more known accounts to the list and showing the actual username for accounts that aren't spam bots
  • Improvements / bug fixes for the "Forward" command
  • Improvements to the bot detection to reduce false positives and to detect more new bot types.
  • When someone blacklisted tries to enter your group, the removal message will be sent after removing the blacklisted user. This is done to prevent them from knowing they are blacklisted.
  • Added the "Forward" command. Use this in a group if you are under 12 hour media restrictions, as Casino Bot always works under 12 hour rule.
    If you have Android you can get Blue Kik which gets rid of that restriction and is free. Download it here
  • Fixed anti annoy, disallow noobs, and other features not working in private groups
  • Updated the commands page
  • Added "Blacklist" and "Unblacklist" commands. Check them out in the commands list here
  • If you add a Casino Bot to your group that is currently full, it will automatically replace it with a bot that's not full. Let me know if you have any issues
    Note: sometimes the member list will not show the new Casino bot. If this happens, restarting the app usually fixes the issue.
  • Improved Pirho Bot functionality to support running multiple instances at once
  • Fixed an issue causing the Telegram and Discord bot to be delayed in responses or never respond at all
  • Implemented "check" command
  • Improved trigger functionality to better recognize custom triggers that are intended for clickable cards (URLs)
  • Added ".s" shortcut for .spin and ".r" shortcut for .roll
  • Fixed "Casino import" command not importing settings. Use the command again, it will work now
  • Changes to try and prevent future bots from being unable to receive DMs
  • Renamed "Talkers" and "Activity" command to "Show talkers" and "Show activity" to avoid conflicts
  • Improved the built-in bot unbricker to help with new bricks / connection issues
  • Improved the core parsing library, the bot should be a bit faster
  • Improved exploit detection for handling of more new exploits
  • Renamed "48 mode" command to "Cap space" to avoid conflicts
  • Fixed the Pirho Bot link command not working if you don't have a username on Telegram
  • Extended the link code expire time to 1 hour
  • Unbricker improvements / porting to the offline unbricker app
  • Added detection for 3 new exploits
  • Improved the unbricker to handle the newest exploits
  • Other optimizations
  • Fixed "Lock" command not responding if either the bot or you doesn't have admin
  • Fixed bot not recognizing when it is demoted (admin status removed)
  • Fixed bot not responding / commands not working in public groups
  • Fixed bot randomly disconnecting
  • Improved bot speed
  • Started work on new "Check" command, removed outdated commands / messages
  • Added 'ts' parameter for lookups to make sure the current pic is always shown (cache busting)
  • Housekeeping
  • Fixed critical issue where the bot would regularly not respond. Sorry about this.
  • Kin not working issue was resolved by Kik, the theme command is now back
  • Added IP logger detection
  • Improved the unbrick command to help with newer attacks that are more difficult to unbrick
  • Improvements to the "Send GIF" / "GIF" command to avoid collisions
  • Improved anti annoy to remove people with right to left unicode in their name
  • Additional improvements to the bot detection logic
  • Added "Remove Bots" command to remove all bots in your group. No filter is 100% accurate (though it tries to be) so let me know if it accidentally removes real people.
  • Fixed false positive exploit detection when setting a new chat theme in group
  • General bot detection accuracy improvements and fixes
  • Added "Send GIF" command (Casino is the only bot that doesn't have to wait 12 hours to send them)
  • "Send GIF" command also works with custom triggers
  • "GIF" also works as a command if other bots aren't present in the group that would interfere
  • Added iOS exploit detection and fixed false positives
  • Improved bot detection to handle the new bot types
  • Fixed minor issues related to setting chat themes
  • Fixed "Theme remove" not working
  • Added detection for 6 new exploit types
  • Re-introduced the "Auto Add" feature
  • Auto add now works for public and private groups
  • Re-introduced "Theme" command with working paid themes
  • Added ".uptime" command
  • Rewrote some FAQs / wording of some built in commands
  • Misc bug fixes / code improvements / website improvements
  • @Roll bot works again, workaround removed
  • Added @roll bot issue workaround. If a trigger is used that mentions @roll, it will take over as a makeshift bot and respond to commands like it should. Existing triggers also have this effect.
  • How to use: Roll -> "@roll d8"
  • Then call the command by saying "Roll" like you normally would.
  • Supported makeshift commands:
    - "d8" (number)
    - "1000" (random number between 1 - 1000)
    - "?" (anything with a question mark will pick someone random in the group)
    - "Oranges or Apples" (replies with oranges or apples)
  • Removed the Auto Add command for privacy and stability reasons. If you want this feature, consider using Blue Kik instead.
  • Removed the sticker command
  • Moved premium commands to Pirho Bot
  • Fixed game commands needing to be sent twice when you played in a public group for the first time
  • Consolidated in-app commands list to make it a little smaller
  • Added detection for newer exploits
  • Improved captcha solving system
  • Improved handling of exploit detections
  • Code cleanup (as always)
  • To save space and improve speed of the bot, talkers and activity data older than 60 days will be automatically deleted.
  • Due to overwhelming support from Casino users, the bot is now hosted on a server for much better speeds, Kik peering (ping time) and uptime. Thank you for helping Casino run and making it possible to afford the server costs!
  • Added detection for more exploit types
  • Re-programmed admins / talkers / activity lists, no longer gives an error on names saying to try again
  • "Leave" command was changed to "Leave message" to prevent accidental use of the command
  • Fixed "Set rules" and "Set leave" not working when the rules started with a new line
  • Fixed a bug with Tic-Tac-Toe improperly giving a tie when the board was full
  • Fixed a bug in Blackjack where surrendering took another half of your original bet instead of giving it back
  • Fixed a bug causing the bot to hard crash
  • Adjusted spin and roll payouts
  • Fixed a visual bug where Casino would list all members when saying "Admins". Note that this was just a visual error - no one ever had admin privileges when they weren't supposed to.
  • Fixed a bug with 48 mode counting banned members toward the member cap.
  • Fixed a bug where the permission level was improperly set when restoring from a backup, and fixed existing errors in the database.
  • Saying "Admins" in a group chat will now cause Casino to self correct its group state if you are incorrectly not detected as an admin
  • Fixed .lookup command not working properly, added more information to the results
  • Increased the max censor limit
  • More code refactoring / optimizations
  • Added a surrender option to Blackjack
  • Added a game / fun commands page
  • Added .8ball command, ask Casino a question by saying .8ball [your question]
  • Added 9 new bots to the status page
  • Website and Casino Bot code improvements
  • .100 command is now much improved for private groups, public is still on progress
  • Added .findbot command, see what utility bots are in any public group
  • Bot detection improvements
  • Upgraded .100 command, now helps you create public groups
  • Added 5 new bots to the status page
  • Updated a few of the built in command responses
  • Lots of backend code refactoring to help keep things tidy
  • More preparation for when paid themes return
  • Increased bot detection.
    Warning, since Kik increased the daily group join limit (why), the bot problem may get really bad.
  • Fixed dealer not always drawing to 17 in Blackjack like it should
  • Censored words / phrases are now also checked in names when they join the group
  • Blocked long triggers and censors from being added, as usually this is by mistake.
  • Started testing 1 new feature.
  • Backend changes change in anticipation to Kin (paid themes) hopefully returning soon.
  • Added group leaderboards for Casino games. Say ".leaderboard group" to check how you rank!